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Showing posts from February, 2021

Best Diet for Fat Loss

when it comes to fat loss there's no doubt that your diet is the most important factor that you have to get right even if your training is on point and consistent you're simply not going to see the results you want without a proper nutrition strategy but this is where most people fail and I honestly don't blame them we're constantly overwhelmed with new diets that are supposedly the new best way to lose fat so what becomes extremely difficult to know which approach to take but the real truth is every single diet or dieting method out there works the exact same way they all achieve fat loss by causing you to eat at a caloric deficit meaning that you're eating less calories and you're burning every day research has proven time and time again that whether it's keto intermittent fasting and so on although these diets may each have certain psychological and physiological benefits none of these diets or methods have any special fat loss effect the instead work.

How To Gain Weight?

weight if you're skinny Jade thank you for your comment I like what you're saying amazing pharmacist I always like a compliment in terms of gaining weight well firstly if you are on the way you are at risk of having a weakened immune system your bones are more fragile. you're gonna generally might feel more tired a a quick way to check it is to check your BMI so you just put in your weight and height and they'll give you a number and they'll tell you if you're normal underway overweight. I will leave a link in the description below and it's quick and easy you can do it and test it now if you are underweight when you test it you need to think of a few questions these are small questions that I usually think of have you felt unwell because there might be an underlying medical condition that's causing it and also have you been finding it difficult to find time to eat a healthy balanced diet have you been struggling to find time to eat at regular intervals

Whey Protein: Everything You Need To Know!

Why don't we do a Whey Protein 101? Everybody knows how important it is especially if you're taking supplements. But we want to know, what are we actually getting when we take it, and there's so many different variations. If we can put together a video here to help break that down, then I thought it could be helpful. So, I want to get to some sort of vision. First of all, what is Whey Protein? If we look at milk, it's got 2 main components. It's got curds and whey. Whey is the liquid portion. In that liquid portion we have not just protein, but protein, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, and minerals.  All that we have when we talk about the different kinds of whey protein are basically different stages in preparation of that protein to the point at which it gets to you. So, if we think about it, it's a 3 step process here, or 3 or 4 step process. And where the manufacturer intervenes and puts it in a bottle is really what you're getting. So, when you loo

What I Eat in a Day as a Celebrity Trainer

After 21 years in the game traveling the world with artists working on some of the biggest Hollywood productions with actors you'll be getting my 21 years of experience working at the highest level with actors and artists building superhero bodies we're going to be talking about what you should be eating what you should be training and some other fun stuff as well so super excited to have you hit  that  follow button and let's do this so i'm really excited to show you guys what i'm eating in a day there's so many different diets out there it's truly a jungle and it's hard to know what's good and bad which diet that's the best for you and my philosophy is that life is all about balance we should obviously look at what makes us healthier and we should look at longevity but you should also live life what's the point of having a poor life you know eating chicken breast and broccoli all day long and not enjoy food and constantly you know obsess a

How to Lose Weight Fast

At the end of the day for weight loss it's all about calories in versus calories out as long as you're eating at a calorie deficit and ideally having enough protein as well then you're going to successfully lose weight . Strip off at regardless of what and when you eat now while scientifically speaking this is true and it is the basic law of thermodynamics. what this simplistic model fails to account for is how the various foods you put into your body actually then go about affecting these two variables because research has shown that while yes at the end of the day calories are what matter most if you want to truly lose fat as efficiently and as quickly as possible then you need to go beyond just calories and instead pay close attention to the types of foods that make up the calories you're ingesting every day and also how you go about adjusting them because that's what makes a little difference. This article I'll go through three swaps that you'll want